Published: 4th March 2024

Read time: 3 min

Recap: Waste Around the World Webinar

On February 27th, we took a trip around the world to hear inspiring zero waste stories from the comfort ​of our own homes. Our first ‘Waste Around the World” webinar brought together sustainability heroes ​from all corners of the earth - Senegal, the USA and Pakistan. Each panellist shared their own unique ​experiences and insights as well as actionable strategies towards achieving a zero waste and circular ​future.

The webinar highlighted the transformative potential of circular economy initiatives, emphasising that ​solutions to waste management require global insights applied within local contexts. And these stories ​need to be told and heard!

Sustainable Materials Management (California, USA)

Our first panellist, Jon Huls of SWEEP, highlighted the fragmented approach to waste management in the ​USA, and introduced us to the SWEEP standard, which aims to transform materials management from ​waste to resource management. This innovative approach highlights the necessity of a national strategy ​organically grown from grassroots efforts.

Fighting Plastic Pollution (Senegal)

Representing Zero Waste Senegal Association, Momar Baby, shared his compelling story of their fight ​against single-use plastic (SUP) pollution. They are focusing on preventative actions such as SUP bans ​and reusable trials as well as community engagement. These recently launched projects have ​demonstrated the power of local actions in the wider global plastic pollution challenge.

Innovative Recycling & Employee Engagement (USA - global reach)

Lael Giebel, the Global Manager of Sustainability at Knowbe4, presented some amazing initiatives for ​waste management strategies. From banner bag programs to employee courtesy recycling. A staggering ​97% of employees have signed the pledge to reduce their waste organisation-wide. Her initiatives divert ​waste from landfills, but also foster a culture of sustainability within the organisation.

Zero Waste University (Pakistan)

Aman Karim, an associate professor with the National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), shared his ​inspiring journey of becoming the first university in Pakistan to adopt a zero waste policy. Since adoption, ​NUMS has managed to reduce its waste to landfill by a staggering 75%! This achievement shows the ​power of volunteerism and community involvement in driving significant environmental change. His vision ​now is set on persuading all Pakistani universities to adopt a zero waste policy, setting a global standard ​for universities across the globe.

Our first “Waste Around the World” webinar highlighted the importance of storytelling in spreading the ​zero waste and circular economy messages. Each speaker’s story served as a testament to the impact ​that informed and passionate people can have on their communities, no matter their role within the ​organisation. Our path to sustainability is a collective journey, and by embracing each other’s solutions, ​fostering a sense of community and connection and championing zero waste, we can succeed in tackling ​the global plastic crisis.

Be sure to catch the full recording of the webinar here!

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The Waste Not Spot recognises the many traditional land owners around the world and their continued stewardship of our planet. We pay our respects and offer our deepest gratitude.

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