Published: 19th March 2024

Read time: 3 min

Recap: Circular Economy Opportunities in Australia Webinar

On Friday 15th March 2024, The Waste Not Spot hosted the “Circular Economy Opportunities in ​Australia” webinar as part of The Netherlands’ Week van de Circulaire Economie (Week of the Circular ​Economy).

Trade & investment experts and other key stakeholders gathered to discuss the many opportunities to ​progress Australia’s circular economy. The session was aimed at circular businesses outside of Australia ​(and in Europe, in particular), who are interested in expanding their horizons internationally. It emphasised ​Australia as an ideal market due to its ambitious sustainability targets and need for international ​cooperation to enhance circularity.

The latest report by the CSIRO reveals that Australia's circularity rate has fallen now to just 4% (less than ​half of the global average of 8%), revealing a huge economic challenge and opportunity to advance its ​circular economy. Australia’s national resource recovery target aims for an 80% recovery rate by 2030, ​highlighting the urgency and potential for growth in this sector.

The webinar featured discussions from expert panellists, including:

Each panellist brought a unique perspective on how businesses can contribute to and benefit from ​Australia's circular economy, and talked about the many opportunities available for interested ​businesses.

The following are key themes & takeaways of the webinar:

Strategic Partnerships

The importance of forming key international partnerships was highlighted several times, with initiatives ​like the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Holland Circular Hotspot and Planet Ark ​showcasing successful collaborations between Australia and the Netherlands.

State-Specific Opportunities

Victoria was identified as a leader in adopting circular economy practices, offering significant incentives ​and support for businesses willing to invest in sustainable solutions. The state’s ambitious targets to ​reduce greenhouse emissions and increase the use of recycled content highlight the demand for ​innovative circular economy solutions. Several financial incentives are available!

WasteBAN Mission

The Waste Business Australia Netherlands (WasteBAN) mission serves as a prime example of facilitating ​Dutch-Australian business collaborations, with an upcoming mission to New South Wales and ​Queensland spotlighting networking and business development opportunities in waste management and ​circular economy sectors. There will also be an opportunity to attend the Waste Conference in Coffs ​Harbour as part of the Dutch mission.

Resource and Support Networks

Organisations like the NCCA play a crucial role in connecting Dutch and Australian businesses, offering ​networking opportunities and resources to navigate the complexities of international expansion. The ​Australian Business in Europe network also offers opportunities to further connect with Australian ​businesses.

For businesses and entrepreneurs looking to venture into the circular economy space, Australia presents ​a perfect canvas to bring about change, ripe with opportunities. With the insights and resources shared ​during the webinar, businesses can navigate the path to successful international expansion while ​contributing to a more sustainable and circular global economy.

Be sure to check out the list of resources and further reading!

You can catch the full recording of the webinar here!

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