Published: 1st January 2024

Read time: 3 min

Navigating the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence ​Directive

On December 14th, 2023, the EU reached a provisional agreement over the ​Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD). As businesses globally strive ​towards sustainable practices, understanding the CSDDD is crucial, especially ​for companies operating in or with the EU. We applaud this directive as it ​represents a massive step in integrating human rights and environmental ​considerations into corporate operations.

Understanding the CSDDD

The CSDDD is a groundbreaking directive aiming to foster responsible ​corporate behaviour. It mandates the integration of human rights and ​environmental concerns into business operations, reflecting the EU's broader ​push for sustainable international business practices.

The CSDDD’s Global Impact

The directive targets two main groups:

  1. Large EU companies (with 500+ employees and €150+ million net ​turnover) and those in high-impact sectors (250+ employees and €40+ ​million turnover).
  2. Non-EU companies active in the EU.

This global reach means that even businesses outside the EU must comply if ​they have significant operations or partnerships in the EU.

CSDDD Requirements

Companies must identify, prevent, and mitigate negative human rights and ​environmental impacts within their operations, subsidiaries and value chains. A ​key component is developing a sustainability strategy aligned with the Paris ​Agreement's goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. Furthermore, companies ​are required to establish grievance mechanisms and report publicly on their ​due diligence processes.

Penalties for Non-compliance

Failure to adhere to the CSDDD can result in fines, compensation claims for ​damages and exclusion from public tenders. These penalties emphasise the ​directive's seriousness and the EU's commitment to enforcing sustainable ​practices.

How can The Waste Not Spot help?

At The Waste Not Spot, we specialise in helping businesses navigate these ​new regulations. Our services include integrating sustainability into corporate ​strategies, conducting supply chain due diligence and developing climate ​transition plans. We understand the nuances of the directive and can guide ​companies through the process of aligning their operations with these new ​standards.

The CSDDD is a significant move towards more responsible and sustainable ​business practices in the EU, with far-reaching global implications. It's essential ​for companies to understand and align with these regulations, and The Waste ​Not Spot is here to guide you every step of the way.

Don't let the complexities of the CSDDD slow down your business's progress. ​Contact The Waste Not Spot today for expert advice and support in making ​your business operations sustainable, compliant and future-proof! We'll help ​you turn these new requirements into opportunities for innovation and ​sustainable growth.


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