Published: 22nd October 2023

Read Time: 5 mins

Top 10 of the world’s most circular business

Embracing a circular economy is imperative for businesses aiming to reduce ​their environmental impact. The essence of a circular economy lies in refusing, ​reusing, recycling and regenerating products and resources, thereby ​minimising waste and ensuring long-term sustainability. In this light, let’s delve ​into the top 10 businesses around the globe that are leading examples of ​circular economy practices.

1. Ellen MacArthur Foundation

A vanguard in promoting circular economy principles, the Ellen MacArthur ​Foundation collaborates with businesses, academia and governments to ​accelerate the transition towards a circular economy.

2. TerraCyle

TerraCycle has revolutionised recycling by devising solutions for hard-to-​recycle waste. They partner with brands, manufacturers and local ​governments to repurpose waste into new products.

3. Ecoloop

With an innovative approach to recycling, Ecoloop transforms non-recyclable ​waste into high-quality raw materials, promoting circularity and reducing the ​demand for virgin resources.

4. Fairphone

Fairphone manifests a commitment to ethical production by creating modular ​smartphones, which are easily repairable and upgradable, thus extending the ​lifespan of the product.

5. Interface

Interface, a modular flooring company, epitomises circular economy by ​recycling and repurposing materials to manufacture new products while ​striving to achieve a zero carbon footprint.

6. Loop Industries

Loop Industries breaks new ground by depolymerizing waste plastic into its ​base building blocks, which are then re-polymerized into virgin-quality PET ​plastic.

7. DS Smith

A packaging giant, DS Smith, embraces circular economy principles by ​designing recyclable packaging solutions and managing recycling services.

8. Adidas

With initiatives like Futurecraft.Loop, Adidas is at the forefront of creating ​recyclable sportswear, contributing significantly to the circular economy.


ECOR is pioneering in transforming waste resources into high-quality, ​recyclable building materials, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional ​materials.

10. LUSH

Lush’s ‘naked’ packaging policy and recycling incentives for customers ​exemplify how retail can operate within a circular economy, reducing waste at ​every stage of the product lifecycle.

These trailblazing companies offer a glimpse into the future where circular ​economy principles are ingrained within business operations, paving the way ​for a sustainable, waste-free world. By adopting similar practices, more ​businesses can contribute to a global shift towards a circular economy, ​making significant strides in combating climate change and resource scarcity. ​The journey towards a circular economy necessitates a collective effort, and ​these ten businesses exemplify the innovation and commitment required to ​make this transition a reality.

Join the ranks of these pioneering companies and propel your business ​towards a sustainable, circular model with the assistance of The Waste Not ​Spot. Our tailored services will guide your transition to circular practices, ​providing tangible benefits to both your operations and the environment. ​Explore our services and begin your journey toward a circular, sustainable ​business model with Waste Not Spot. Your pathway to a greener, more ​responsible business starts here. Reach out to us today and let’s shape a ​sustainable future together!

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